Technological Interventions In Development
How might new technologies be used to aid cognitive development? Can we develop technologies to mitigate the impact of developmental disorders like ADHD and ASD on a child’s wellbeing? In this line of research we both develop and evaluate new technologies including conducting Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) of intervention efficacy.
LeActiveMath: Language-Enhanced, User-Adaptive, Interactive eLearning for Mathematics
LeActiveMath is a mathematics eLearning system for high school and college or university level classrooms that can also be used in informal contexts for self learning. It adapts to the learner and learning context and comprises personalization, tutorial dialogues, open student modeling and interactivity that is tool-supported for active and exploratory learning.
ECHOES is a technology-enhanced learning (TEL) environment for 5 to 7 years old children where they can explore and practise skills needed for successful social interaction, such as sharing of attention with others, turn-taking, initiating and responding to bids for interaction. ECHOES supports typically developing children (TD) and children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). As well as being a tool for learning by children, ECHOES is a research tool for exploring the specific difficulties of individual children in relation to social interaction.
Share-IT: School-Home Autism Research Environment through Intelligent Technologies
The objective of SHARE-IT was to systematically investigate how personal and mobile devices could be used individually and together to create a scalable intelligent learning environment for children with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASCs). This EPSRC (Research in Wild)-funded project brought researchers from Birmingham University, IOE, Birkbeck and commercial industries (Acuity and Tendemis) together with Topcliffe Primary School for a novel exploration of technology development within a special school context.
The Inter-STAARS (Intervention in STAARS) project aims to test the efficacy of early attentional control training in babies with a parent and/or an older sibling with attention deficit disorders (ADHD). This study is affiliated with the Studying Autism and ADHD Risk Siblings (STAARS) project at the Babylab, Centre for Cognitive and Brain Development (CBCD), Birkbeck and involves researchers from University of Southampton, King’s College London and Cambridge University.